seif baddredine

seif badreddine

web developer

I enjoy building everything from small business sites to rich interactive web apps. If you are a business seeking a web presence or an employer looking to hire, you can get in touch with me.


about me

The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.

Since I learn about IT and printed "Hello world!", I knew that is my path and I became passionate about IT and the technologies behind it, I became addicted to building and developing new software and learning the latest technologies, and improving my skills. I also have a good knowledge of Graphic Design.

The road to success is always under construction.

skills & technologies:

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Git & Github
  • HTML & CSS (SASS & bootstrap)
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Node js
  • React js
  • Relational Database (SQL)

Find your passion and wrap your career around it. Motivation is your "fire in the belly". But unless it's fueled it goes out.


There's a big difference between playing to win and playing not to lose.


A restaurant website with different pages styles. I used HTML, SASS, and JavaScript.


Design from and developed by Seif Badreddine. This is a Sass app.

Weather App

this project is inspired by microsoft weather and it took me 2 weeks to finish. Third party API app.

hire me

life is like riding a bicycle, you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling.

hire me on: